Sunday, April 17, 2011


You know, I feel like this could be taken terribly wrong.  I do not want to be misunderstood, so hear my sincerity as I write this short blog.  

Women are so captivating.  

Over the course of a couple weeks I have really been watching women.  I've been eye-balling their smiles, their expression, their eyes & their tears.  I've been rather engrossed actually as I plainly stare at them, only to look away quickly as their eyes dart my way, for what reason I am not sure....  

This creation is mesmerizing.  I don't mean this in a homo-sexual way, people.  I'm just saying that even God, after he looked on Eve, was pleased with what He saw.  He not only saw that physically she was wonderful, but He saw the gentle heart that He had formed radiate through her penetrating eyes.  

I see so much life inside of a woman's eyes.  I see little girls dressed to impress daddies, and dolls, and dresses, and crowns.  I see the heart that longs to be captured and cherished by her prince.  The heart that longs to hear she is beautiful and wonderfully made; that she is the apple of someone's eye.  

I see the pain behind those precious eyes; the tears and fears of "bought into" lies.  I see the hopelessness, the loneliness, the guilt of "what if I did more?" or "what if I did less?" or "what if....".....  I see a girl behind those sad, sad eyes that is looking for a love that's real, a love that would rescue her, that would come for her and only her, a love that wouldn't give up, wouldn't stop pursuing & learning her precious heart.  That heart has been so broken and she is scared she'll never get it back.

I see these things when I look into these women's eyes.  These women I've been staring at, most of them, are hurting, although they smile big, I can see what's behind there.  

Why I have even written this out I don't know... my heart just wanted to spew... Women are beautiful.  I love women.  I wish that all women felt like this & felt that they had someone they could bear their soul too.  It brings deep healing to be comforted and accepted, junk, pain, shame & all.  

You are beautiful.

Side note:
Your heart is a garden.  Weed it, prune it, cultivate it.  Plant good seed and then be vigilant & diligent to tend your garden.  You have to stop letting briar bushes in & have to stop planting bad weed seed.  You are expecting & praying for something to turn around, but you keep letting things take over your garden.  Stop it & tend your garden & watch it become beautiful again.  

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