Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If you had experienced all that I had, you'd know Jesus, too.

If you had experienced all that I had, you'd know Jesus, too.

I wasn't a religious person; raised Catholic, but I didn't know my God.  He was there, that I did not deny, but He couldn't be reached any more than if I were to chase the wind.

Many of you who knew me then have witnessed quite a lifestyle change in me, huh?  And many of you who only know me now can hardly believe the stories I've told of days past.  Cocaine was easy to get, fun to do and terrible to come down off of.  Marijuana was smoked daily as my anti-depressant, and alcohol was what caused me to eventually- well, I'll get to that later, maybe.  Frankly they were great bandaids.  However, the open wounds beneath wouldn't heal, the infection stayed and the blood would remind me that the pain was very real.  One bandaid wouldn't do, I had to constantly replace one with another... And I did.  I did.  *sigh*...

I think that's all I want to write today.